DAC Education

Course booking

DAC Education Course booking form

Brilliant news you would like to book onto one of our courses. You will receive excellent training and be glad you did it.

Please read this!

This form gives us all the information we need so that our admin team can do all the hard work for you. But there is some information you need to understand first.

We will take and store your information and keep it safe. We only use it in relation to your course and to email you reminders and relevant information.

Once we have your info the first thing we will need to do is register you with the awarding body for the course. We have a two awarding bodies Protrainings for the majority of our training and the Leadership Skills foundation for The expedition training.

We will need to share your information with these organisations, you do need to agree with this or we can't give you a certificate!

You are likely to receive and email from an awarding body once we sign you on to their system. They will give you a log in and you will be able to review their data and privacy policies. 

By completing and submitting this form you agree:

  • All the information is yours and correct.
  • You agree that we can pass information to the awarding body for your course.
  • You have read our terms and conditions of booking, our commitment to you and the appeals/complaints policy.
  • You agree to inform us of any learning or physical issues that may effect your learning.
  • I understand I will be invoiced for the cost of the course and it will need to be paid prior to the course date.

For companies booking multiple people please go to the multiple people form here

Course booking form

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Location of our training centre DAC HQ

Location of our Outdoor Training site

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