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Why a basic knowledge of first aid could save a life.

Never underestimate the power of basic first aid training.

With the recent tragic events hitting our country in Manchester and London this year, we were all shocked and disgusted that people in the world would be this heartless to inflict tragedy and pain on innocent bystanders. It has been said so often in the media lately that Good will always win against the bad but so many of us feel helpless to know what we can do to help. Donations, offering refreshments, a bed for the night are some of the ways people have been showing their support and dedication to proving that we all stand together.

We have all stopped to think ‘What would I have done if I were caught up in that situation?’

Many will assume that they would be a hindrance more than a help and that leaving it to the professionals would be the best thing to do, however, what if the professionals were too far away and someone needed your help that instant? What if there were too many people to help and not enough professionally qualified people to spread themselves around?

It begs the question, what could you do to help?

The answer is simple; have a basic knowledge of first aid.

If there is more than one injured person you would be able to assess the situation and decide what best to do next. You could administer a simple recovery position on one person, ensure they are safe and nominate another to sit with that person and then move on to the next. That person may need a more in depth first aid action or not, but in doing this, you are helping more than one person. Being able to flag to the professionals who needs their help first could also save valuable time and conserve the efforts for those most in need.

You do not need to be paramedic trained to save a life; you do not need to have gone to medical school to be the one that gives the injured those precious few minutes for their body to start on the road to recovery. Simply offering basic first aid until the professionally trained staff arrive, could and does very easily save a life. You may not be performing heart surgery but you are performing an act of kindness that can make the difference between tragedy and survival.

Most of us have walked past someone on the street who has tripped or fallen down possibly suffering a heart attack or been run into by a rogue skateboarder. All of these situations you could help with. Even if you are not needed at the scene, stopping and asking, ‘I’m first aid trained, is there anything I can do to help?’ will make all the difference.

While it may look like people are helping, often the people surrounding the victim are panicked friends or family with no knowledge of what to do. If you are the first one to reach the injured and are able to assess the situation quickly, decide whether to move them, clear the area, carry out some basic first aid or simply taking charge and allowing the injured some air, placing them in the recovery position or administering CPR. Those valuable minutes while the professionals are on their way can and do make all the difference.

Having the confidence to know that you could help, not only enriches your own state of mind but also of those around you.

With a basic knowledge of first aid you could save the life of a colleague, friend or family member but in the extreme conditions that so sadly affect us today, who knows where you will be when your first aid knowledge could save a life.

Is there no better way to fight evil than to show that there is still so much good left in this world and that we are prepared to help our fellow humans, in whatever capacity we are capable?

Put very simply, basic first aid, can and does save lives, daily.

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